Friday, August 29, 2008

On the Way to, Missouri

Thanks to the blessings of modern technology, instead of being forced to document my thoughts and contemplations on boring and antiquated pressed wood fibres, I’m typing out my ideas on my sleek Macbook. As I am recording these musings I am riding shotgun to Coach Damm on our trip to Columbus, MO for our second major Ripon College cycling event, a collegiate competition at the University of Missouri. It has been a long ride and we still have a ways to go. At this point we’ve overcome about four hundred miles of mind numbing travel, and according to our GPS we still have about three hours to go. Oi vey!

It’s been a fairly uneventful ride, and I hope it stays that way. There are very few positive ways in which road travel can be exciting. We had one close call with a truck that passed us as we were changing lanes, but Herr Damm rescued us from imminent destruction. The rest of our cadre is following in a college sponsored Chevy minivan driven by our resident bad ass Tiffany Seering, who has now been at the helm for seven hours. Most of our rag tag squad has been napping to endure the tragedy that is central Illinois scenery.

A redeeming note of beauty to the otherwise bland country side: mists rising above still farm fields lit up by a hazy red setting sun. It’s a simple thing, nothing fantastic or breathtaking, but rather something subtle and calming, like a gentle reassurance that something doesn’t have to be awe-inspiring to be beautiful.

Tonight’s dining was an elegant college-sponsored meal at Arby’s, a truly fine American fast food establishment. Of moderately greater interest than the thinly sliced beef and oozy cheddar cheese was McCain’s declaration of a running mate, or rather, running matess, a certain Governor Palin of …. Alaska? Sweet. After having seen part of the Democratic National Convention, I’m curious to see how the Reps roll out. Obama’s impassioned and charismatic speech of last night left with mixed feelings. That man can definitely get people going, but the crowd mentality kind of creeps me out. What will this banner of “Change” bring us? I’m just curious.

Well, I’m going to wrap this up. Tomorrow will find the mighty Redhawk Bike team on the trails of glory, and we shall see who reigns victorious on those sandy tracks. Who am I kidding, my goal is not to die, but I’m loving this adventure. Cycling has been one of the best decisions of my college career. Stay tuned for more updates from our two wheeled endeavors!

Your boy,


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