Friday, August 22, 2008

Ich bin wieder da...aber bin ich schon wieder wer?

Hi hi guys, I'm back! Back in the states that is...but you probably know that by now. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, and I've spent a little of time in a non-communicative daze, mostly due to the lack of consistent internet connection at our chateau in the woods. However, I have returned to my academic homebase: Ripon College in Ripon, WI. Am I excited for the school year? Yes. Is it going to be hard? Yes...about 21 credits worth of hard. Do I see senioritis looming on the horizon? You bet your sweet bippy. Am I prepared to kick ass and chew bubble gum? Yes...but I'm all out of gum.

I invite you to join me this year as I venture through my endeavors as member of the Ripon College Cycling team, write theses for German and Chemistry, search for grad schools, and make mayhem. As always, your comments are greatly appreciated.
